
Zeitschriftenartikel (9199)

Stange, G.; Kaissling, K.-E.: The site of action of general-anesthetics in insect olfactory receptor neurons. Chemical Senses 20 (4), S. 423 - 432 (1995)
Starck, J. M.; König, S.; Gwinner, E.: Growth of stonechats Saxicola torquata from Africa and Europe: An analysis of genetic and environmental components. Ibis 137 (4), S. 519 - 531 (1995)
Steinbrecht, R. A.; Laue, M.; Ziegelberger, G.: Immunolocalization of pheromone-binding protein and general odorant-binding protein in olfactory sensilla of the silk moths Antheraea and Bombyx. Cell and Tissue Research 282 (2), S. 203 - 217 (1995)
Steiof, K.; Bauer, H.-G.: "Problemvögel" - ungeliebte Vogelarten. Berichte zum Vogelschutz 33, S. 23 - 38 (1995)
Tannahill, L.; Klein, R.; Schachner, M.: The neurotrophin receptors TrkA and TrkB are inhibitory for neurite outgrowth. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 7 (6), S. 1424 - 1428 (1995)
Taschenberger, H.; Engert, F.; Grantyn, R.: Synaptic current kinetics in a solely ampa-receptor-operated glutamatergic synapse formed by rat retinal ganglion neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 74 (3), S. 1123 - 1136 (1995)
Theunissen, F. E.; Miller, J. P.: Temporal encoding in nervous systems: A rigorous definition. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 2 (2), S. 149 - 162 (1995)
Verheyen, G. R.; Kempenaers, B.; Adriaensen, F.; van den Broeck, M.; Matthysen, E.; van Broeckhoven, C.; Dhondt, A. A.: The genetic structure of Parus caeruleus (blue tit) populations as revealed by minisatellite single locus probes. Heredity 75 (6), S. 571 - 577 (1995)
Wallraff, H. G.; Kiepenheuer, J.; Neumann, M. F.; Streng, A.: Homing experiments with starlings deprived of the sense of smell. The Condor 97 (1), S. 20 - 26 (1995)
Wickler, W.; Seibt, U.: Syntax and semantics in a Zulu bead-colour communication system. Anthropos 90, S. 391 - 405 (1995)
Wikelski, M.: Evolution der Körpergröße bei der Galapagos-Meerechse. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Biologie 44, S. 30 - 36 (1995)
Wikelski, M.; Hau, M.: Is there an endogenous tidal foraging rhythm in marine iguanas? Journal of Biological Rhythms 10, S. 335 - 350 (1995)
Wittmann, U.; Heidrich, P.; Wink, M.; Gwinner, E.: Speciation in the stonechat (Saxicola torquata) inferred from nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome-b gene. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 33 (3-4), S. 116 - 122 (1995)
Xu, C.; Guild, J.; Webb, W. W.; Denk, W.: Determination of absolute two-photon excitation cross sections by in situ second-order autocorrelation. Optics Letters 20 (23), S. 2372 - 2374 (1995)
Young, L. J.; Godwin, J.; Grammer, M.; Gahr, M.; Crews, D.: Reptilian sex steroid receptors: Amplification, sequence analysis and expression. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 55, S. 261 - 269 (1995)
Yuste, R.; Denk, W.: Dendritic spines as basic functional units of neuronal integration. Nature 375 (6533), S. 682 - 684 (1995)
Aschoff, J.: Naps as integral parts of the wake time within the human sleep-wake cycle. Journal of Biological Rhythms 9 (2), S. 145 - 155 (1994)
Aschoff, J.: The timing of defecation within the sleep-wake cycle of humans during temporal isolation. Journal of Biological Rhythms 9 (1), S. 43 - 50 (1994)
Baier, H.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Attractive axon guidance molecules. Science 265 (5178), S. 1541 - 1542 (1994)
Baier, H.; Klostermann, S.: Axon guidance and growth cone collapse in vitro. Neuroprotocols 4 (2), S. 96 - 105 (1994)
Baier, H.; Korsching, S.: Olfactory glomeruli in the zebrafish form an invariant pattern and are identifiable across animals. The Journal of Neuroscience 14 (1), S. 219 - 230 (1994)
Baier, H.; Rotter, S.; Korsching, S.: Connectional topography in the zebrafish olfactory system: Random positions but regular spacing of sensory neurons projecting to an individual glomerulus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91 (24), S. 11646 - 11650 (1994)
Bairlein, F.; Gwinner, E.: Nutritional mechanisms and temporal control of migratory energy accumulation in birds. Annual Review of Nutrition 14, S. 187 - 215 (1994)
Barde, Y. A.: Neurotrophins: A family of proteins supporting the survival of neurons. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 390, S. 45 - 56 (1994)
Bauer, H.-G.: Der Deutsche Rat für Vogelschutz - Rückblick auf 70 Jahre Vogelschutzarbeit. Berichte zum Vogelschutz 32, S. 23 - 29 (1994)
Bauer, H.-G.: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Deutschen Rat für Vogelschutz. Berichte zum Vogelschutz 32, S. 19 - 22 (1994)
Bauer, H.-G.: Der Deutsche Rat für Vogelschutz - Zusammensetzung, Aufgaben und Ziele. Journal für Ornithologie 135 (4), S. 642 - 642 (1994)
Bauer, H.-G.: Ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) and White-headed duck (O. leucocephala) in Germany: Occurrence and legal status. Oxyura 7, S. 49 - 60 (1994)
Bauer, H.-G.; Ley, H.-W.: Haben zwischenartliche Konkurrenz und Prädation eine Bedeutung für den Rückgang von Vogelarten? Zeitschrift für Ökologie und Naturschutz 3, S. 77 - 85 (1994)
Berthold, P.: De trek van een typische trekvogel. Een samenvatting van de huidige kennis. Oriolus 60, S. 53 - 55 (1994)
Berthold, P.: Verhaltensänderungen von Zugvögeln. Tumult Schriften zur Verkehrswissenschaft 19, S. 38 - 49 (1994)
Berthold, P.: Neue Ergebnisse der Vogelzugforschung. Biologie in der Schule 43, S. 155 - 157 (1994)
Berthold, P.: Migration of a typical migrant. A synopsis of current knowledge. British Birds 87, S. 411 - 415 (1994)
Berthold, P.: Plan zur Gründung einer "Europäischen Ornithologischen Gesellschaft". Die Vogelwarte 37, S. 234 - 235 (1994)
Berthold, P.; Helbig, A.: Changing course. Living Bird 13, S. 25 - 29 (1994)
Berthold, P.; Mohr, G.; Querner, U.: Vererbung einer populationsspezifischen Mauser bei Kreuzung von Mönchsgrasmücken (Sylvia atricapilla) verschiedener Populationen. Journal für Ornithologie 135 (2), S. 233 - 236 (1994)
Berthold, P.; Pulido, F.: Heritability of migratory activity in a natural bird population. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 257 (1350), S. 311 - 315 (1994)
Biebach, H.; Krebs, J. R.; Falk, H.: Time-place learning, food availability and the exploitation of patches in garden warblers, Sylvia borin. Animal Behaviour 48 (2), S. 273 - 284 (1994)
Borst, A.; Egelhaaf, M.: Dendritic processing of synaptic information by sensory interneurons. Trends in Neurosciences 17 (6), S. 257 - 263 (1994)
Brandl, R.; Kristin, A.; Leisler, B.: Dietary niche breadth in a local-community of passerine birds, an analysis using phylogenetic contrasts. Oecologia 98 (1), S. 109 - 116 (1994)
Bshary, R.; Lamprecht, J.: Reduction of aggression among domestic hens (Gallus-domesticus) in the presence of a dominant 3rd party. Behaviour 128 (3), S. 311 - 324 (1994)
de Visser, J. A. G. M.; Ter Maat, A.; Zonneveld, C.: Energy budgets and reproductive allocation in the simultaneous hermaphrodite pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis (L): A trade-off between male and female function. American Naturalist 144, S. 861 - 867 (1994)
Denk, W.: Two-photon scanning photochemical microscopy: Mapping ligand-gated ion channel distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91 (14), S. 6629 - 6633 (1994)
Denk, W.; Delaney, K. R.; Gelperin, A.; Kleinfeld, D.; Strowbridge, B. W.; Tank, D. W.; Yuste, R.: Anatomical and functional imaging of neurons using 2−photon laser scanning microscopy. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 54 (2), S. 151 - 162 (1994)
Dittrich, F.; Theonen, H.; Sendtner, M.: Ciliary neurotrophic factor: Pharmacokinetics and acute‐phase response in rat. Annals of Neurology 35 (2), S. 151 - 163 (1994)
Egelhaaf, M.; Haag, J.; Borst, A.: Processing of synaptic information depends on the structure of the dendritic tree. NeuroReport 6 (1), S. 205 - 208 (1994)
Flinks, H.; Siebenrock, K.-H.: Haltung und Zucht des Mariskensängers Acrocephalus melanopogon. Gefiederte Welt 118, S. 186 - 190 (1994)
Fornasari, L.; Bottoni, L.; Schwabl, H.; Massa, R.: Testosterone in the breeding cycle of the male Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 4 (2), S. 193 - 196 (1994)
Fricke, H.; Hissmann, K.: Home range and migrations of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. Marine Biology 120 (2), S. 171 - 180 (1994)
Gaese, F.; Kolbeck, R.; Barde, Y. A.: Sensory ganglia require neurotrophin-3 early in development. Development 120 (6), S. 1613 - 1619 (1994)
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