
Zeitschriftenartikel (9196)

Flade, M.; Bauer, H.-G.: Einführung zum Schwerpunktthema Landwirtschaft: Bericht zur Lage der Vögel in Deutschland. Die Vogelwelt 117, S. 167 - 168 (1996)
Gahr, M.: Developmental changes in the distribution of oestrogen receptor mRNA expressing cells in the forebrain of female, male and masculinized female zebra finches. NeuroReport 7, S. 2469 - 2473 (1996)
Gahr, M.; Balaban, E.: The development of a species difference in the local distribution of brain estrogen receptive cells. Developmental Brain Research 92 (2), S. 182 - 189 (1996)
Gahr, M.; Garcia-Segura, L. M.: Testosterone-dependent increase of gap-junctions in HVC neurons of adult female canaries. Brain Research 712 (1), S. 69 - 73 (1996)
Gahr, M.; Kosar, M.: Identification, distribution, and developmental changes of a melatonin-binding site in the song control system of the zebra finch. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 367 (2), S. 308 - 318 (1996)
Gelperin, A.; Kleinfeld, D.; Denk, W.; Cooke, I. R. C.: Oscillations and gaseous oxides in invertebrate olfaction. Journal of Neurobiology 30 (1), S. 110 - 122 (1996)
Gödecke, I.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Development of identical orientation maps for two eyes without common visual experience. Nature 379 (6562), S. 251 - 254 (1996)
Griesbeck, O.; Korte, M.; Staiger, V.; Gravel, C.; Carroll, P.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Thoenen, H.: Combination of gene targeting and gene transfer by adenoviral vectors in the analysis of neurotrophin-mediated neuronal plasticity. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 61, S. 77 - 83 (1996)
Gwinner, E.: Melatonin in the control of avian circadian rhythms. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology 101, S. 73 (1996)
Gwinner, E.: Circannual clocks in avian reproduction and migration. Ibis 138 (1), S. 47 - 63 (1996)
Gwinner, E.: Der innere Kalender tropischer Vögel. Biologie in unserer Zeit 26 (3), S. 153 - 162 (1996)
Gwinner, E.: Circadian and circannual programmes in avian migration. The Journal of Experimental Biology 199 (1), S. 39 - 48 (1996)
Haag, J.; Borst, A.: Amplification of high-frequency synaptic inputs by active dendritic membrane processes. Nature 379 (6566), S. 639 - 641 (1996)
Hau, M.; Gwinner, E.: Food as a circadian zeitgeber for house sparrows: The effect of different food access durations. Journal of Biological Rhythms 11 (3), S. 196 - 207 (1996)
Healy, S. D.; Gwinner, E.; Krebs, J. R.: Hippocampal volume in migratory and non-migratory warblers: Effects of age and experience. Behavioural Brain Research 81 (1-2), S. 61 - 68 (1996)
Heinbockel, T.; Kaissling, K.-E.: Variability of olfactory receptor neuron responses of female silkmoths (Bombyx mori L) to benzoic acid and (+/-)-linalool. Journal of Insect Physiology 42 (6), S. 565 - 578 (1996)
Heinzeller, T.; Fricke, H.; Bourseau, J.; Ameziane-Cominardi, N.; Welsch, U.: Cyathidium plantei sp. n., an extant cyrtocrinid (Echinodermata, Crinoidea) — Morphologically identical to the fossil Cyathidium depressum (Cretaceous, Cenomanian). Zoologica Scripta 25 (1), S. 77 - 84 (1996)
Henkemeyer, M.; Orioli, D.; Henderson, J. T.; Saxton, T. M.; Roder, J.; Pawson, T.; Klein, R.: Nuk controls pathfinding of commissural axons in the mammalian central nervous system. Cell 86 (1), S. 35 - 46 (1996)
Hissmann, K.; Fricke, H.: Movements of the epicaudal fin in Coelacanths. Copeia 1996 (3), S. 606 - 615 (1996)
Hölzinger, J.; Berthold, P.; König, C.; Mahler, U.: Die in Baden-Württemberg gefährdeten Vogelarten "Rote Liste". 4. Fassung: Stand 31.12.1995. Ornithologische Jahreshefte für Baden-Württemberg 9 (2), S. 33 - 90 (1996)
Jacobs, G. A.; Theunissen, F. E.: Functional organization of a neural map in the cricket cercal sensory system. The Journal of Neuroscience 16 (2), S. 769 - 784 (1996)
Jansen, R. F.; Pieneman, A. W.; Ter Maat, A.: Spontaneous switching between ortho- and antidromic spiking as the normal mode of firing in the cerebral giant neurons of freely behaving Lymnaea stagnalis. Journal of Neurophysiology 76 (6), S. 4206 - 4209 (1996)
Kaiser, A.: Zugdisposition mitteleuropäischer Kleinvögel: Mauser, Körpermasse, Fettdeposition und Verweildauer. Journal für Ornithologie 137 (2), S. 141 - 180 (1996)
Kaissling, K.-E.: Peripheral mechanisms of pheromone reception in moths. Chemical Senses 21 (2), S. 257 - 268 (1996)
Karlstrom, R. O.; Trowe, T.; Klostermann, S.; Baier, H.; Brand, M.; Crawford, A. D.; Grunewald, B.; Haffter, P.; Hoffmann, H.; Meyer, S. U. et al.; Muller, B. K.; Richter, S.; van Eeden, F. J. M.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Zebrafish mutations affecting retinotectal axon pathfinding. Development 123 (1), S. 427 - 438 (1996)
Keller, V.; Bauer, H.-G.; Ley, H.-W.; Pfister, H. P.: Bedeutung von Grünbrücken über Autobahnen für Vögel. Der Ornithologische Beobachter 93, S. 249 - 258 (1996)
Kempenaers, B.; Adriaensen, F.; van Noordwijk, A. J.; Dhondt, A. A.: Genetic similarity, inbreeding and hatching failure in blue tits: Are unhatched eggs infertile? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 263 (1367), S. 179 - 185 (1996)
Kempenaers, B.; Sheldon, B. C.: Why do male birds not discriminate between their own and extra-pair offspring? Animal Behaviour 51 (5), S. 1165 - 1173 (1996)
Kodadová, B.; Kaissling, K.-E.: Effects of temperature on silkmoth olfactory responses to pheromone can be simulated by modulation of resting cell membrane resistances. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 179 (1), S. 15 - 27 (1996)
Kolb, H.: Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Kohlmeise Parus major auf kleinen Flächen: Vergleich zwischen einheimischen und exotischen Baumbeständen. Journal für Ornithologie 137 (2), S. 229 - 242 (1996)
Korte, M.; Griesbeck, O.; Gravel, C.; Carroll, P.; Staiger, V.; Thoenen, H.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Virus-mediated gene transfer into hippocampal CA1 region restores long-term potentiation in brain-derived neurotrophic factor mutant mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93 (22), S. 12547 - 12552 (1996)
Korte, M.; Staiger, V.; Griesbeck, O.; Thoenen, H.; Bonhoeffer, T.: The involvement of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in hippocampal long-term potentiation revealed by gene targeting experiments. Journal of Physiology-Paris 90 (3-4), S. 157 - 164 (1996)
Lamprecht, J.: What makes an individual the leader of its group? An evolutionary concept of distance regulation and leadership. Social Science Information Sur Les Sciences Sociales 35 (4), S. 595 - 617 (1996)
Levinson, H. Z.; Levinson, A. R.: Prionotheca coronata Olivier (Pimeliinae, Tenebrionidae) recognized as a new species of venerated beetles in the funerary cult of predynastic and archaic Egypt. Journal of Applied Entomology 120 (10), S. 577 - 585 (1996)
Löhrl, H.; Thaler, E.; Christie, D. A.: Status and behaviour of the Tenerife kinglet. British Birds 89, S. 379 - 386 (1996)
Maina, F.; Casagranda, F.; Audero, E.; Simeone, A.; Comoglio, P. M.; Klein, R.; Ponzetto, C.: Uncoupling of Grb2 from the Met receptor in vivo reveals complex roles in muscle development. Cell 87 (3), S. 531 - 542 (1996)
Marty, S.; Carroll, P.; Cellerino, A.; Castren, E.; Staiger, V.; Thoenen, H.; Lindholm, D.: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor promotes the differentiation of various hippocampal nonpyramidal neurons, including Cajal-Retzius cells, in organotypic slice cultures. The Journal of Neuroscience 16 (2), S. 675 - 687 (1996)
Minichiello, L.; Klein, R.: TrkB and TrkC neurotrophin receptors cooperate in promoting survival of hippocampal and cerebellar granule neurons. Genes and Development 10 (22), S. 2849 - 2858 (1996)
Mittelstaedt, H.: Somatic graviception. Biological Psychology 42 (1-2), S. 53 - 74 (1996)
Mittelstaedt, H.: The subjective visual horizontal for different body tilts in the roll plane: Characterization of normal subjects. Commentary. Brain Research Bulletin 40 (5-6), S. 381 - 382 (1996)
Mittelstaedt, H.: Perceived body position and the visual horizontal. Commentary. Brain Research Bulletin 40 (5-6), S. 397 - 397 (1996)
Mittelstaedt, M. L.; Mittelstaedt, H.: The influence of otoliths and somatic graviceptors on angular velocity estimation. Journal of Vestibular Research - Equilibrium and Orientation 6 (5), S. 355 - 366 (1996)
Nagy, M.; Krueger, C.; Anders, P.; Kayser, M.; Roewer, L.; Schiefenhövel, W.: Are the Trobrianders emigrants of South-East Asia? Human Immunology 47 (1-2), S. 140 - 140 (1996)
Nuyts, E.; Michiels, N. K.: High last-male sperm precedence despite unfavourable positioning of sperm in the bursa copulatrix of Sympetrum danae (Sulzer) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica 25 (1), S. 79 - 82 (1996)
Ockel, M.; Lewin, G.R.; Barde, Y. A.: In vivo effects of neurotrophin-3 during sensory neurogenesis. Development 122 (1), S. 301 - 307 (1996)
Orioli, D.; Henkemeyer, M.; Lempe, G.; Klein, R.; Pawson, T.: Sek4 and Nuk receptors cooperate in guidance of commissural axons and in palate formation. The EMBO Journal 15 (22), S. 6035 - 6049 (1996)
Peters, A.; Michiels, N. K.: Evidence for lack of inbreeding avoidance by selective mating in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. Invertebrate Biology 115 (2), S. 99 - 103 (1996)
Peters, A.; Michiels, N. K.: Do simultaneous hermaphrodites choose their mates? Effects of body size in a planarian flatworm. Freshwater Biology 36 (3), S. 623 - 630 (1996)
Peters, A.; Streng, A.; Michiels, N. K.: Mating behaviour in a hermaphroditic flatworm with reciprocal insemination: Do they assess their mates during copulation? Ethology 102 (2), S. 236 - 251 (1996)
Pinon, L. G. P.; Minichiello, L.; Klein, R.; Davies, A. M.: Timing of neuronal death in trkA, trkB and trkC mutant embryos reveals developmental changes in sensory neuron dependence on Trk signalling. Development 122 (10), S. 3255 - 3261 (1996)
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