
Zeitschriftenartikel (9196)

Gödecke, I.; Kim, D. S.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Singer, W.: Development of orientation preference maps in area 18 of kitten visual cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 9 (8), S. 1754 - 1762 (1997)
Griesbeck, O.; Korte, M.; Gravel, C.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Thoenen, H.: Rapid gene transfer into cultured hippocampal neurons and acute hippocampal slices using adenoviral vectors. Molecular Brain Research 44 (1), S. 171 - 177 (1997)
Gwinner, E.: Leben im Rhythmus von Jahr und Tag: Biologische Uhren und Vogelzug. Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, S. 91 - 110 (1997)
Gwinner, E.; Hau, M.; Heigl, S.: Melatonin: Generation and modulation of avian circadian rhythms. Brain Research Bulletin 44 (4), S. 439 - 444 (1997)
Gwinner, E.; Zeman, M.; Klaassen, M.: Synchronization by low amplitude light-dark cycles of 24-h pineal and plasma melatonin rhythms of hatchling European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Journal of Pineal Research 23 (4), S. 176 - 181 (1997)
Haag, J.; Borst, A.: Encoding of visual motion information and reliability in spiking and graded potential neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience 17 (12), S. 4809 - 4819 (1997)
Haag, J.; Theunissen, F. E.; Borst, A.: The intrinsic electrophysiological characteristics of fly lobula plate tangential cells. 2. Active membrane properties. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 4 (4), S. 349 - 369 (1997)
Haag, J.; Theunissen, F. E.; Borst, A.: The intrinsic electrophysiological characteristics of Fly Lobula Plate Tangential Cells: II. Active membrane properties. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 4 (4), S. 349 - 368 (1997)
Hau, M.; Gwinner, E.: Adjustment of house sparrow circadian rhythms to a simultaneously applied light and food zeitgeber. Physiology & Behavior 62 (5), S. 973 - 981 (1997)
Hekmat-Scafe, D. S.; Steinbrecht, R. A.; Carlson, J. R.: Coexpression of two odorant-binding protein homologs in Drosophila: Implications for olfactory coding. The Journal of Neuroscience 17 (5), S. 1616 - 1624 (1997)
Hennig, R. M.; Weber, T.: Filtering of temporal parameters of the calling song by cricket females of two closely related species: A behavioral analysis. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 180 (6), S. 621 - 630 (1997)
Hermann, P. M.; de Lange, R. P. J.; Pieneman, A. W.; Ter Maat, A.; Jansen, R. F.: Role of neuropeptides encoded on CDCH-1 gene in the organization of egg-laying behavior in the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. Journal of Neurophysiology 78 (6), S. 2859 - 2869 (1997)
Hübener, M.; Shoham, D.; Grinvald, A.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Spatial relationships among three columnar systems in cat area 17. The Journal of Neuroscience 17 (23), S. 9270 - 9284 (1997)
Huber, F.: Cricket-neuroethology and how it began. International Society for Neuroethology Newsletter 11, S. 1 - 2 (1997)
Jansen, R. F.; Pieneman, A. W.; Ter Maat, A.: Behavior-dependent activities of a central pattern generator in freely behaving Lymnaea stagnalis. Journal of Neurophysiology 78 (6), S. 3415 - 3427 (1997)
Jarvis, E. D.; Schwabl, H.; Ribeiro, S.; Mello, C. V.: Brain gene regulation by territorial singing behavior in freely ranging songbirds. NeuroReport 8 (8), S. 2073 - 2077 (1997)
Kaiser, A.; Schlenker, R.: Auswirkung des frühen Kälteeinbruchs im Jahr 1974 auf das Rastverhalten wegziehender Teichrohrsänger Acrocephalus scirpaceus am Bodensee - eine retrospektive Analyse der Fangdaten. Die Vogelwarte 39, S. 140 - 163 (1997)
Kaissling, K.-E.: Pheromone-controlled anemotaxis in insects. Advances in Ethology 32, S. 23 (1997)
Kaissling, K.-E.: Hyberbolic and linear dose dependence of receptor occupancy: Types of chemorecptors. Chemical Senses 22, S. 184 (1997)
Keil, T. A.; Steinbrecht, R. A.: Introductory remarks. International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 26 (3-4), S. 149 - 150 (1997)
Kempenaers, B.: Does reproductive synchrony limit male opportunities or enhance female choice for extra-pair paternity? Behaviour 134 (7), S. 551 - 562 (1997)
Kempenaers, B.; Sheldon, B. C.: Studying paternity and paternal care: Pitfalls and problems. Animal Behaviour 53 (2), S. 423 - 427 (1997)
Kempenaers, B.; Verheyen, G. R.; Dhondt, A. A.: Extra-pair paternity in the blue tit (Parus caeruleus): Female choice, male characteristics and offspring quality. Behavioral Ecology 8 (5), S. 481 - 492 (1997)
Kinzelbach, R.; Nicolai, B.; Schlenker, R.: Der Bienenfresser Merops apiaster als Klimazeiger: Zum Einflug in Bayern, der Schweiz und Baden im Jahr 1644. Journal für Ornithologie 138 (3), S. 297 - 308 (1997)
Kirn, J. R.; Schwabl, H.: Photoperiod regulation of neuron death in the adult canary. Journal of Neurobiology 33 (3), S. 223 - 231 (1997)
Korte, M.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Activity-dependent synaptic plasticity: A new face of action for neurotrophins. Molecular Psychiatry 2 (3), S. 197 - 199 (1997)
Kurokawa, M.; Ter Maat, A.; Jansen, R.: Neural control of vas deferens in the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. Zoological Science (Tokyo) 14 (Suppl.), S. 100 - 100 (1997)
Labrador, J. P.; Brambilla, R.; Klein, R.: The N-terminal globular domain of Eph receptors is sufficient for ligand binding and receptor signaling. The EMBO Journal 16 (13), S. 3889 - 3897 (1997)
Lamprecht, J.; Rebhan, T.: Factors influencing pairbond stability in convict cichlids (Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum). Behavioural Processes 39, S. 161 - 176 (1997)
Lanctot, R. B.; Scribner, K. T.; Kempenaers, B.; Weatherhead, P. J.: Lekking without a paradox in the monomorphic buff-breasted sandpiper. American Naturalist 149 (6), S. 1051 - 1070 (1997)
Laue, M.; Steinbrecht, R. A.: Topochemistry of moth olfactory sensilla. International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology 26 (3-4), S. 217 - 228 (1997)
Leisler, B.; Heidrich, P.; Schulze-Hagen, K.; Wink, M.: Taxonomy and phylogeny of reed warblers (genus Acrocephalus) based on mtDNA sequences and morphology. Journal für Ornithologie 138 (4), S. 469 - 496 (1997)
Leisler, B.; Winkler, H.; Siebenrock, K.-H.: Ökomorphologische Untersuchungen am Beispiel der Webervögel (Ploceidae) und Eisvogel (Alcedinidae). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 73, S. 17 - 43 (1997)
Li, H. Y.; Avery, L.; Denk, W.; Hess, G. P.: Identification of chemical synapses in the pharynx of Caenorhabditis elegans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 94 (11), S. 5912 - 5916 (1997)
Löhrl, H.: Zum Verhalten der Sultansmeise in Menschenhand. Gefiederte Welt 121 (5), S. 162 - 166 (1997)
Maina, F.; Hilton, M. C.; Ponzetto, C.; Davies, A. M.; Klein, R.: Met receptor signaling is required for sensory nerve development and HGF promotes axonal growth and survival of sensory neurons. Genes and Development 11 (24), S. 3341 - 3350 (1997)
Maldonado, P. E.; Gödecke, I.; Gray, C. M.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Orientation selectivity in pinwheel centers in cat striate cortex. Science 276 (5318), S. 1551 - 1555 (1997)
McGraw , W. S.; Monah , I. T.; Abedi-Lartey, M.: Survey of endangered primates in the forest reserves of eastern Côte d'Ivoire. African Primates 3, S. 22 - 25 (1997)
Mittelstaedt, H.: Interaction of eye-, head-, and trunk-bound information in spatial perception and control. Journal of Vestibular Research - Equilibrium and Orientation 7 (4), S. 283 - 302 (1997)
Mittelstaedt, M. L.; Mittelstaedt, H.: The effect of centrifugal force on the perception of rotation about a vertical axis. Die Naturwissenschaften 84 (8), S. 366 - 369 (1997)
Neumann, J.; Schlenker, R.: Ludwig Baege (1932-1989). Blätter aus dem Naumann-Museum 16, S. 119 - 121 (1997)
Orioli, D.; Klein, R.: The Eph receptor family: Axonal guidance by contact repulsion. Trends in Genetics 13 (9), S. 354 - 359 (1997)
Pophof, B.: Olfactory responses recorded from sensilla coeloconica of the silkmoth Bombyx mori. Physiological Entomology 22 (3), S. 239 - 248 (1997)
Ramachandran, S.; Beukeboom, L. W.; Gerace, L.; Pavlovic, N.; Carranza, S.; Michiels, N. K.: Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from the planarian Dugesia polychroa (Schmidt) (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida). Molecular Ecology 6 (4), S. 389 - 391 (1997)
Schauer, J.; Hissmann, K.; Fricke, H.: A method for deployment of externally attached sonic fish tags from a manned submersible and their effects on coelacanths. Marine Biology 128 (3), S. 359 - 362 (1997)
Scheuerlein, A.; Magotto, J.; Schmidl, D.: Wild dogs in Arusha National Park. African Journal of Ecology 35 (4), S. 378 - 380 (1997)
Schimmang, T.; AlvarezBolado, G.; Minichiello, L.; Vazquez, E.; Giraldez, F.; Klein, R.; Represa, J.: Survival of inner ear sensory neurons in trk mutant mice. Mechanisms of Development 64 (1-2), S. 77 - 85 (1997)
Schleidt, M.; Kien, J.: Segmentation in behavior and what it can tell us about brain function. Human Nature-an Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective 8 (1), S. 77 - 111 (1997)
Schlenker, R.: Ringfund eines Steppenadlers Aquila nipalensis. Limicola 11 (5), S. 236 - 236 (1997)
Schlenker, R.: Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Ornithologie (4). Blätter aus dem Naumann-Museum 16, S. 124 - 134 (1997)
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