
Zeitschriftenartikel (214)

Hau, M.; Gwinner, E.: Circadian entrainment by feeding cycles in house sparrows, Passer domesticus. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 170 (4), S. 403 - 409 (1992)
Janik, D.; Dittami, J.; Gwinner, E.: The effect of pinealectomy on circadian plasma melatonin levels in house sparrows and European starlings. Journal of Biological Rhythms 7 (4), S. 277 - 286 (1992)
Zeman, M.; Gwinner, E.; Somogyiová, E.: Development of melatonin rhythm in the pineal gland and eyes of chick embryo. Experientia: interdisciplinary journal for the life sciences 48 (8), S. 765 - 768 (1992)
Bluhm, C.K.; Schwabl, H.; Schwabl, I.; Perera, A.; Follett, B.K.; Goldsmith, A.R.; Gwinner, E.: Variation in hypothalamic gonadotrophin-releasing hormone content plasma and pituitary LH, and in-vitro testosterone release in a long-distance migratory bird, the garden warbler (Sylvia borin), under constant photoperiods. Journal of Endocrinology 128 (3), S. 339 - 345 (1991)
Gwinner, E.: Circannual rhythms in tropical and temperate-zone stonechats: A comparison of properties under constant conditions. Ökologie der Vögel 13, S. 5 - 14 (1991)
Gwinner, E.: Ernst Schüz, 24.10.1901-8.3.1991. Berichte und Mitteilungen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (4), S. 103 - 105 (1991)
Healy, S. D.; Krebs, J. R.; Gwinner, E.: Hippocampal volume and migration in Passerine birds. Die Naturwissenschaften 78 (9), S. 424 - 426 (1991)
Schwabl, H.; Bairlein, F.; Gwinner, E.: Basal and stress-induced corticosterone levels of garden warblers, Sylvia borin, during migration. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 161 (6), S. 576 - 580 (1991)
Schwabl, H.; Gwinner, E.; Benvenuti, S.; Ioalé, P.: Exposure of dunnocks (Prunella modularis) to their previous wintering site modifies autumnal activity pattern: Evidence for site recognition? Ethology 88 (1), S. 35 - 45 (1991)
Gwinner, E.; Dittami, J.: Endogenous reproductive rhythms in a tropical bird. Science 249 (4971), S. 906 - 908 (1990)
Gwinner, E.: Photoperiod as a modifying and limiting factor in the expression of avian circannual rhythms. Journal of Biological Rhythms 4 (2), S. 237 - 250 (1989)
Gwinner, E.: In memoriam: Prof. Dr. Donald S. Farner (1915-1988). Journal für Ornithologie 130 (3), S. 393 - 395 (1989)
Gwinner, E.: In Erinnerung an Konrad Lorenz (1903-1989). Die Vogelwarte 35, S. 156 (1989)
Gwinner, E.: Einfluß der Photoperiode auf das circannuale System des Halsbandschnäppers (Ficedula albicollis) und des Trauerschnäppers (F. hypoleuca). Journal für Ornithologie 130 (1), S. 1 - 13 (1989)
Gwinner, E.; Gänshirt, G.; Dittami, J.: Starling circannual systems: Are they arrested in long photoperiods? Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 165 (1), S. 35 - 39 (1989)
Schleußner, G.; Gwinner, E.: Photoperiodic time measurement during the termination of photorefractoriness in the starling (Sturnus vulgaris). General and Comparative Endocrinology 75 (1), S. 54 - 61 (1989)
Beldhuis, H. J. A.; Dittami, J.; Gwinner, E.: Melatonin and the circadian rhythms of feeding and perch-hopping in the European starling, Sturnus vulgaris. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 164 (1), S. 7 - 14 (1988)
Falk, H.; Gwinner, E.: Timing of photorefractoriness in the European starling: Significance of photoperiod early and late in the reproductive cycle. Biology of Reproduction 39 (5), S. 1004 - 1008 (1988)
Gwinner, E.; Dittami, J.; Beldhuis, H. J. A.: The seasonal development of photoperiodic responsiveness in an equatorial migrant, the garden warbler Sylvia borin. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 162 (3), S. 389 - 396 (1988)
Gwinner, E.; Schwabl, H.; Schwabl-Benzinger, I.: Effects of food-deprivation on diurnal migratory restlessness and diurnal activity in the garden warbler Sylvia borin. Oecologia 77 (3), S. 321 - 326 (1988)
Dittami, J.; Gwinner, E.: Circannual variations in plasma luteinizing hormone levels in castrated male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Journal of Biological Rhythms 2 (3), S. 221 - 226 (1987)
Gwinner, E.: Annual rhythms of gonadal size, migratory disposition, and molt in garden warblers Sylvia borin exposed in winter to an equatorial or a southern hemisphere photoperiod. Ornis Scandinavica 18 (4), S. 251 - 256 (1987)
Gwinner, E.; Neusser, V.; Engl, D.; Schmidl, D.; Bals, L.: Haltung, Zucht und Eiaufzucht afrikanischer und europäischer Schwarzkehlchen Saxicola torquata. Gefiederte Welt 111 (5), S. 118 - 120 (1987)
Gwinner, E.; Neusser, V.; Engl, D.; Schmidl, D.; Bals, L.: Haltung, Zucht und Eiaufzucht afrikanischer und europäischer Schwarzkehlchen Saxicola torquata. Gefiederte Welt 111 (6), S. 145 - 147 (1987)
Gwinner, E.; Subbaraj, R.; Bluhm, C. K.; Gerkema, M.: Differential effects of pinealectomy on circadian rhythms of feeding and perch-hopping in the European starling. Journal of Biological Rhythms 2 (2), S. 109 - 120 (1987)
Gwinner, E.; Wickler, W.: Vogelwarte Radolfzell. Berichte und Mitteilungen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 1987, S. 1 - 50 (1987)
Gwinner, H.; Gwinner, E.; Dittami, J.: Effects of nestboxes on LH, testosterone, testicular size, and the reproductive behavior on male European starlings in spring. Behaviour 103, S. 68 - 81 (1987)
Gwinner, E.: Circannual rhythms in the control of avian migrations. Advances in the Study of Behavior 16, S. 191 - 228 (1986)
Gwinner, E.: Internal rhythms in bird migration. Scientific American 254, S. 84 - 93 (1986)
Gwinner, E.: Endogene Jahresrhythmen beim Vogelzug. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 6 (Juni), S. 76 - 86 (1986)
Gwinner, E.: Sting-removal from bees by white-eyed slaty flycatchers, Melaenornis chocolatina. Scopus 10, S. 51 - 52 (1986)
Dittami, J.; Gwinner, E.: Annual cycles in the African stonechat, Saxicola torquata axillaris, and their relationship to environmental factors. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 207 (3), S. 357 - 370 (1985)
Gwinner, E.: Effects of photoperiod during winter on the circannual rhythms of Zugunruhe, molt, body weight and reproductive parameters in two closely related species of flycatchers, Ficedula albicollis and F. hypoleuca, wintering at different latitudes. (1985)
Gwinner, E.; Biebach, H.; von Kries, I.: Food availability affects migratory restlessness in caged garden warblers (Sylvia borin). Die Naturwissenschaften 72 (1), S. 51 - 52 (1985)
Gwinner, E.; Neusser, V.: Die Jugendmauser europäischer und afrikanischer Schwarzkehlchen (Saxicola torquata rubicola und S. t. axillaris) sowie von F1-Hybriden. Journal für Ornithologie 126 (2), S. 219 - 220 (1985)
Schleußner, G.; Dittami, J.; Gwinner, E.: Testosterone implants affect molt in male European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris. Physiological Zoology 58 (8), S. 597 - 604 (1985)
Subbaraj, R.; Gwinner, E.: Differential effects of testosterone on the circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and feeding in the European starling. Die Naturwissenschaften 72 (12), S. 663 - 664 (1985)
Falk, H.; Gwinner, E.: Photoperiodic control of testicular regression in the european starling. Die Naturwissenschaften 70 (5), S. 257 - 258 (1983)
Gwinner, E.: Änderungen der Zugunruhe, des Körpergewichts und der Mauser von Dorngrasmücken (Sylvia communis) unter einer konstanten 12-stündigen Photoperiode. Die Vogelwarte 32, S. 77 - 80 (1983)
Gwinner, E.; Berthold, P.: Die Vogelwarte Radolfzell. Konstanzer Blätter für Hochschulfragen 20, S. 5 - 18 (1983)
Gwinner, E.; Dittami, J.; Gwinner, H.: Postjuvenile molt in East African and Central European stonechats (Saxicola torquata axillaris, S. t. rubicola) and its modification by photoperiod. Oecologia 60 (1), S. 66 - 70 (1983)
Gwinner, E.; Gänshirt, G.: Testicular development of European Starlings in early spring: Response to short or increasing daylength? Die Naturwissenschaften 69 (11), S. 555 - 557 (1982)
Gwinner, E.; Wozniak, J.: Circannual rhythms in European starlings: Why do they stop under long photoperiods? Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 146 (4), S. 419 - 421 (1982)
Gwinner, E.: Circannuale Rhythmen bei Tieren und ihre photoperiodische Synchronisation. Die Naturwissenschaften 68 (11), S. 542 - 551 (1981)
Gwinner, E.: Ein endogenes Flugprogramm der Zugvögel. Umschau 81, S. 248 - 249 (1981)
Gwinner, E.: Gibt es im circannualen Hodenzyklus des Stars (Sturnus vulgaris) eine Refraktärphase. Die Vogelwarte 30, S. 335 - 337 (1980)
Gwinner, E.: Corvus corax (Corvidae) - Aufzucht der Jungen im Nest. Publikationen zu Wissenschaftlichen Filmen 13, S. 3 - 10 (1980)
Gwinner, E.; Dittami, J.: Pinealectomy affects the circannual testicular rhythm in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 136 (4), S. 345 - 348 (1980)
Gwinner, E.; Wiltschko, W.: Circannual changes in migratory orientation of the garden warbler, Sylvia borin. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 7 (1), S. 73 - 78 (1980)
Wiltschko, W.; Gwinner, E.; Wiltschko, R.: The effect of celestial cues on the ontogeny of non-visual orientation in the garden warbler (Sylvia borin). Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 53 (1), S. 1 - 8 (1980)
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